Kids 4-12
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Education sheet for elementary-level classes,
applicable to all illustrations in the Visual Dictionary
Required materials:
- Vocabulary notebook, to be divided into 17 sections (for the 17 themes of the Visual Dictionary), in which students will record all the words they discover during a lesson.
- Illustration(s) from the website.
Before showing the image:
- Do you know what a (name of the illustration) is?
- Is it a common thing or place?
- What is it used for?
- In which section of our notebook will we put our discoveries? Why?
- Can you imagine how many parts of the whole are identified in the Visual Dictionary?
- Which parts can you identify? Name them.
- The teacher shows the image.
- Did we correctly identify the number of parts? (Check against answers given for #5.)
- What surprises you the most about what you see?
- Have a close look at all the parts identified in the Visual Dictionary illustration. Which ones do you already know? (Check against answers given for #6.)
- Let’s put the parts we already know in our notebook.
- Can we as a group come up with the most accurate definition for each of them? (The teacher records and fine-tunes the definitions based on students’ input.)
- Do we agree on the meaning of the definition?
- Are there any parts of the (name of the illustration) that we don’t know?
- Can we imagine the possible definitions of these parts? As a team, come up with the definition that seems the most accurate for each of the parts.
- In comparing the various definitions, can we write a definition that covers all of the important elements? Let’s do it for each of the parts we did not already know.
- Let’s compare our new definitions with the definitions in the Visual Dictionary.
- Do we understand all the words in these definitions?
- The definitions should be kept in our notebook, with an attempted illustration beside each.
The teacher records the definitions. By the end of the year, the class will have created its own version of the Visual Dictionary. It will then be up to the students to determine how to distribute the final edition (cards, digital slide show, etc.).