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The power to perform work, produced from natural phenomena (e.g., the Sun and the wind) or raw materials (e.g., coal and petroleum).
solar energy


Harnessed solar radiation has many applications, including solar-panel heating and electricity produced with solar cells and solar furnaces.

solar cell

solar cell

Device used to convert solar energy directly into electric energy (photovoltaic effect).

flat-plate solar collector [1]

flat-plate solar collector [1]

Device that collects solar radiation and heats a coolant, which in turn will be used in residential settings to heat water or the home.

flat-plate solar collector [2]

flat-plate solar collector [2]

Device that collects solar radiation and heats a coolant, which in turn will be used in residential settings to heat water or the home.

solar-cell system

solar-cell system

Unit that is usually made up of 36 solar cells, each of which produces a voltage of 0.5 V; it is used to power low-voltage devices.

production of electricity from solar energy

production of electricity from solar energy

Heating the coolant directly with solar rays turns water into steam, which then turns the turbo-alternator to produce electricity.

solar furnace

solar furnace

Plant that concentrates solar radiation to reach very high temperatures (over 5,400°F) as part of a research effort to develop experimental materials (including astronautic materials and ceramics).

solar house

solar house

Solar energy can be used to heat and supply hot water to a home.