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examples of telephones [1]click to hear

The shape and function of telephones is constantly evolving; today’s phones relay computer data as well as voice communication.
examples of telephones [1] pay phone armored cord handset volume control coin return bucket card reader push button language display button next call display coin slot

pay phone click to hear

Telephone located in public places; it functions when coins or payment cards are inserted into the phone box.

armored cord click to hear

handset click to hear

Movable part of the telephone made up of the receiver and the transmitter.

volume control click to hear

Button that controls the loudness of the phone.

coin return bucket click to hear

Small chamber for retrieving coins.

card reader click to hear

Device used to read a payment card (credit card, calling card or prepaid card).

push button click to hear

Key corresponding to letters, numbers and symbols that are used to dial a number or access functions.

language display button click to hear

next call click to hear

Button used to make another telephone call without hanging up the handset.

display click to hear

Liquid crystal display that shows a variety of information such as dialed number and prepaid card balance.

coin slot click to hear

Slot for inserting coins into a telephone to pay for a call.