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sextantclick to hear

Optical instrument for measuring the angle between a heavenly body and the horizon to determine the ship’s position.
sextant drum horizon shade micrometer screw vernier scale graduated arc frame horizon mirror index shade telescope lens hood index arm index mirror index

drum click to hear

Thumbnail for turning the micrometer screw.

horizon shade click to hear

Colored glass that blocks certain rays in the light spectrum to filter out ambient light.

micrometer screw click to hear

Screw with a head graduated in minutes that is turned to set the index arm precisely.

vernier scale click to hear

Small graduated rule that slides along the ruler and is used to read very precise measurements.

graduated arc click to hear

Arc graduated in degrees; the observed angle measurement is read from it.

frame click to hear

Support for the various components of the sextant.

horizon mirror click to hear

Fixed mirror in front of the telescope; it is aimed at the horizon and the image of the Sun is projected on it.

index shade click to hear

Colored glass that blocks certain rays in the light spectrum to filter out ambient light.

telescope click to hear

Optical instrument that magnifies an observed object.

lens hood click to hear

Device attached to the telescope’s eyepiece that shields the eye from light coming from the source and from strong ambient light.

index arm click to hear

Moving arm on the sextant that measures the displacement angle on the graduated arc to determine the height of the observed heavenly body.

index mirror click to hear

Mirror integrated with the index arm that is positioned so that the Sun reflects on the horizon mirror.

index click to hear

Guide mark that helps to read the graduation marks on the arc.