radio: studio and control room
Area with two rooms separated by a glass window where audio programs are produced, recorded or broadcast.
Device using an arm fitted with a stylus cartridge to play back sounds from a record.
control room
Room adjacent to the studio that is equipped with sound control and recording equipment; the director monitors the on-air program from here.
bargraph-type peak meter
Instrument measuring peak sound intensity in a predetermined time period.
audio console
Console made up of all the devices used to control, adjust and mix sound.
jack field
Series of connector sockets (jacks) allowing various pieces of equipment to be linked to the audio console.
producer turret
Control unit with a microphone that is used by the program’s producer to communicate with the announcer.
stop watch
Instrument that precisely measures time in minutes, seconds and fractions of seconds.
cassette deck
Device used to play back and record sounds on a recording tape cassette.
compact disc player
Device using a laser beam to play back sounds recorded on a compact disc (CD).
digital audio tape recorder
Device using a small magnetic tape cartridge to digitally record a program for later broadcast.
cartridge tape recorder
Device for analog recording of a program for later broadcast using a magnetic tape cartridge.
tone leader generator
Device producing the tracking or technical tuning signals that is inserted at the beginning of a recording.
Clock used to time a program.
volume unit meters
Instruments measuring the relative intensity of the various sounds being broadcast or recorded.
audio monitor
Device that reproduces the audio portion of an on-air program to monitor its sound quality.
on-air warning light
Light indicating that a program is being broadcast.
announcer turret
Control unit used by a program host or announcer mainly to turn a microphone on or off.
Device that converts electric pulses into broadcast or recorded sounds.
Soundproof area designed for sound recording; radio programs are produced here.