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telecommunications by satelliteclick to hear

Transmission of data such as images, sound and computer data using radio waves relayed by satellites.
telecommunications by satellite personal communications consumer road communications telephone network teleport maritime communications military communications air communications industrial communications repeater distribution by submarine cable distribution by underground cable network

personal communications click to hear

All the messages exchanged between individuals.

consumer click to hear

road communications click to hear

All the messages related to vehicular traffic, including trucks, taxis and emergency vehicles.

telephone network click to hear

All the installations allowing the exchange of data or voice messages, sounds or images between two or more customers.

teleport click to hear

Installation with equipment allowing it to offer customers access to satellite telecommunications services.

maritime communications click to hear

All the messages used to help ships and submarines navigate and to control maritime traffic.

military communications click to hear

All the messages related to the armed forces and battleground operations.

air communications click to hear

All the messages used to help aircraft navigate and to control air traffic.

industrial communications click to hear

All the messages exchanged by companies involved in the production of goods and services.

repeater click to hear

Device running the length of a cable that receives, amplifies and resends signals to transmit them over long distances.

distribution by submarine cable click to hear

Signals can be relayed through a network of underwater cables.

distribution by underground cable network click to hear

Signals can be relayed through a network of underground cables.